Risk premium, we suggest, should be the domain of premium "points" charged at origination by lenders, not a special burden of perennial extra expense on those borrowers least able to meet their mortgage obligations. 就风险溢价而言,我们的建议是:“溢价点”应由贷款人在放贷时收取;风险溢价不应成为那些偿付能力最低的借款人的一项特殊负担,让其长年累月的为此付出额外开销。
The Treasury, which is in no hurry to nail down a solution, believes that the US requires special treatment because the banking market is fragmented and small banks rely heavily on mortgage securitisation. 美国财政部并不急于敲定解决方案,而是认为美国需要特殊待遇,因为银行业市场四分五裂,而小银行严重依赖抵押贷款证券化业务。
The special departments and personnel shall assume the responsibility for the operation and control of the business of stock mortgage loans. 有专职部门和人员负责经营和管理股票质押贷款业务;
Except for special regulations by law, the undertaker's enforcement of legal mortgage in the private sector is still applicable for the operation of legal mortgage in the public sector. 除法律有特别规定之外,承揽人对于私部门法定抵押权之实施,于公部门法定抵押权之运作时仍有适用。
Analysis of the Validity of Special Real Estate Subject Matter as Mortgage 特殊房地产标的物抵押合法性探析
Besides the normal pattern, two special patterns i.e. the vessels under building mortgage financing pattern and vessels owned by the single-vessel company mortgage financing pattern are designed. 在设计了船舶抵押融资的通常模式后,作者又设计了在建船舶抵押融资模式和单船子公司以所有船舶抵押融资模式两种具有自身特色的抵押融资模式。
Since the 1980s, some developed countries have carried out the reverse mortgage system, which has distinctive features, compared with the traditional mortgage, and is deemed a new and special mortgage. 始自上个世纪80年代,在一些发达国家推行的住房反向抵押,具有明显不同于一般抵押的特点,实属一种新的特殊抵押方式。
Titleholder's mortgage, a special one, is defined as the kind of mortgage based on titleholder's own belongings. 所有人抵押是指所有人于自己所有物上存在的抵押权,是一种特殊的抵押权。
Because of the special character of the object, there are great differences between the mortgage of under-construction ship and the mortgage of ship. 由于标的物本身的特殊性,建造中船舶抵押权与一般船舶抵押权有很大的不同。
Policy mortgage will not only comply with the relevant provisions of the Rights mortgage, it must follow the special provisions in "Insurance Law" about policy mortgage, as well as provisions in insurance contracts agreed by both parties. 保单质押不仅要符合有关权利质权的规定,也要遵循《保险法》中有关保单出质的特别规定以及保险合同中双方当事人的约定。
General mortgage is a special kind of mortgage which is important in the promotion of finance and full employment of property and the protection of credits. 共同抵押是一种特殊的抵押制度,它对于融通资金、促进物尽其用、保障债权的实现发挥着极其重要的作用。
The mortgage can be divided into normal mortgage and special mortgage, the latter of which includes the maximum-limit mortgage, legal mortgage, the consortium unsecured mortgage, and floating mortgage. 抵押有普通抵押和特别抵押之分,后者包括最高额抵押、法定抵押、财团抵押、浮动抵押等抵押特别形式。
Floating mortgage is a kind of special mortgage system that developed from British equity courtyard in the judicial practice. 浮动抵押,是英国衡平法院在司法实践中发展起来的一种特殊的抵押制度。
The maximum mortgage is a kind of special mortgage and it refers to provide the guarantee in the highest limit for a nonspecific obligatory right which is existed or will happen in the future within certain range. 最高额抵押是一种特殊的抵押形式,具体是指在事先约定的最高限额内对将来不确定发生的债权而提供担保。
We make discussion and innovation on evaluation methods for some special land-use rights, such as tenanted land-use right, allocated land-use right, air space right, comprehensive use land and other rights lease land right, land right of Mortgage, land neighboring right over land. 对承租土地使用权、划拨土地使用权、空间权、综合用地以及附设有他项权利的特殊土地使用权估价进行了创新和更新。